
Compile at least seven scholarly outside sources and three



Our final Ancillary is a larger assignment that will ask you to do an annotated bibliography for our upcoming research assignment. Therefore, it is important to commit to a topic that you wish to research and to begin compiling at least SEVEN SCHOLARLY OUTSIDE SOURCES AND THREE OTHER SOURCES to aid your argument.


Compile at least SEVEN SCHOLARLY OUTSIDE SOURCES AND THREE OTHER SOURCES that examine your chosen topic, and compose an annotated bibliography according to the instruction sheet we went over in class.

Other Requirements:

*Your paper must establish context. This means that you must tell us a little bit about your topic before jumping into the point you want to make.

The following tips may help you establish a direction for your paper:

• In order to meet the page requirement, choose a topic that is substantial and multifaceted.
• Remember that your "other" sources do not have to be scholarly, but they should be credible and appropriate.
• Follow the guidelines provided on the checklist we went over in class (posted on Cougar Courses).

Technical Stuff:

• 12 pt Times New Roman Font, MLA format, 1 inch margins
• Length: 4 pages.

Attachment:- Annotated-Bibliography.rar

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Dissertation: Compile at least seven scholarly outside sources and three
Reference No:- TGS02573123

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