
Compile all sections of the program evaluation course

Teen Parenting Case Study

Your agency is providing eight-week parenting classes for teen parents in an urban environment. Services are open to both teen mothers and teen fathers, and their children can be any age.

You get referrals from local schools, hospitals, social service agencies, and the Department of Children and Family Services.

The interventions of the program include a weekly parenting class dealing with topics such as child development, effective communication with children, stress management, and compassionate behavior management strategies.

The anticipated outcomes of the program include:

• Increased knowledge about child development.

• Increased sense of competence in parenting.

• Decreased reported stress levels.

• Beliefs in line with compassionate behavior management strategies rather than using corporal punishment.

Assignment Description

To complete your Research Findings Presentation, compile all sections of the Program Evaluation course project to design a clear PowerPoint presentation that describes all components of your research process and reports your findings and recommendations.

Use feedback that you have received throughout the term in putting together this presentation. Through the presentation, you will demonstrate your understanding of program evaluation purposes, methods, and processes as applied in your project.

Assignment Instructions

In your PowerPoint presentation, include the following information:

• Introduce the problem based on the Teen Parenting Case Study.

• Describe the theoretical basis for your program evaluation and the purpose of your study (use the Unit 3 assignment, Research Literature Review, as the basis of this part).

• Present the guiding research question you developed for the program evaluation (use the Unit 3 assignment, Research Literature Review, and the Unit 5 assignment, Program Evaluation and Methodology, as the basis of this part).

• Present your selected methodology and design. Include a rationale that describes why you chose this specific methodology (Use the Unit 5 assignment, Program Evaluation and Methodology, as the basis of this part).

• Present and discuss your findings and recommendations.

o Interpret your findings for the audience and discuss the implications of the research. (Use the Unit 8 assignment, Findings, Results,Discussions, and Recommendations, as the basis of this part.)

o Provide scholarly support for your recommendations.

o Imagine questions stakeholders may have and address these in the presentation.

Make sure your PowerPoint slides are clear and visually appealing.

o There should be limited text on each slide.

o Use the "Notes" section of the slides to include more substantive text.

Provide APA citations on slides as appropriate.

Include an APA-formatted reference list.

Submit your completed assignment by Friday at midnight.

Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.

Additional Requirements

The assignment you submit is expected to meet the following requirements:

• Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

• APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting standards.

• Cited resources: Minimum of five scholarly sources. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years.

• Slide Count: 15 slides with appropriate format.

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Dissertation: Compile all sections of the program evaluation course
Reference No:- TGS02628775

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