
Competitive compensation package


Using the job description and evaluation method that you created for the exercises , and the feedback from peers, design a proposal for a competitive compensation package for the position, including the following elements:

1. Job description

2. Method of Job evaluation

3. Intrinsic and extrinsic benefits

4. Compensation package and rationale for same

5. How performance will be measured

6. Why the proposal you have created is appropriate for the market at this time.

7. Compensation strategy.

The proposal should be formatted in accordance with APA, 6th edition, and the guidelines of the template provided at the Ashford Writing Center. It should be between 2000 to 2500 words in length excluding title page and references. Be sure to include at least 6 scholarly and/or popular sources, one of which must be the course text

Exercises were about a job description of Executive HR Recruiter and how does job analysis benefits HR.


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Business Management: Competitive compensation package
Reference No:- TGS01789137

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