
Competency develop problem-solving skills that generate

Question: Competency: Develop problem-solving skills that generate idea creation, and apply them to everyday personal and professional experience.

Instructions: A syllogism is a type of logical argument that uses deductive reasoning to come to a conclusion. There are many types, but for this task, you will use a categorical syllogism.

Categorical syllogisms: This type of syllogism assumes if A is a part of C, then B is a part of C (A and B are members of C).

You can organize the syllogism in three sentences:

• Major premise: All dogs are animals.

• Minor premise: Luna is a dog.

• Conclusion: Luna is an animal.

1. Your employer wants to promote a productive and logical work environment. To organize your thoughts and ideas in a coherent manner, you must practice your cognitive skills on a daily basis. To practice the process of creative problem solving, your boss has asked you to create two categorical syllogisms about a hypothetical everyday problem. For example, you are regularly late for work.

2. For your third and final syllogism, your boss wants you to introduce a new minor premise that would provide a logical solution to the problem. By engaging in this process, you will become more accustomed to attacking issues in a cogent manner, making you an even more valuable member of your company.

3. Your boss is looking to fill a new manager position and will use the best presentation as a tutorial for the rest of the staff. Create a presentation using PowerPoint or another visual medium that will communicate your ideas most effectively. Using innovative visuals or more advanced storytelling media might get you the promotion!

4. Finally, provide a short reflection on the collective process using whatever media best suits your idea to your boss. For example, use a brief email, word document, or another multi-media piece.

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Marketing Management: Competency develop problem-solving skills that generate
Reference No:- TGS02703332

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