
Compensation benefits-voluntary benefits


Begin by reading the required background readings. Then please write a 2 page paper, double spaced, not including cover and reference pages, in which you answer the following questions:

Describe the compensation that you receive in the form of benefits.

Which are “mandatory”, and which are “voluntary”?

Of the voluntary benefits, which are taxable, tax exempt, or tax deferred?

SLP Assignment Expectations:

Please write a 2 page paper, double spaced, not including cover and reference pages,

Although I do want to hear your opinion, it should be based on the concepts from the required readings, so be sure to cite and reference the require readings that may apply.

Required Materials:

The following short chapter provides an excellent foundation in understanding the history of the development of federal law and tax policy governing employee benefits:

Employee Benefits Research Institute. (2005). Employee Benefits in the United States: An Introduction. Retrieved May 23, 2010


The next chapter provides an excellent overview of employee benefits. It is available in the TUI NetLibrary database (see Module 1 Background page for detailed instructions on how to access NetLi brary):

Arthur, D. (1995). Chapter 8: Benefits. In Managing Human Resources in Small and Mid-Sized Companies. New York: AMACOM Books. (Note: Skim through the section on laws, up to p. 203, then read the rest).

Arthur, D. (1995). Chapter 6: Compensation. In Managing Human Resources in Small and Mid-Sized Companies. New York: AMACOM Books.

Access to healthcare benefits is one of the key issues in the U.S. This ERBI report provides an overview of the nature of access to healthcare and levels of coverage:

Employee Benefits Research Institute. (2007, March). EBRI research highlights: Employment-Based Health Benefits: Access and Coverage, 1988-2005. EBRI

Issue Brief, No. 303. Read pages 4, 5, 8, 11, 14, and 16-21.

Optional Materials:

Abrams, D. (2003, July). Equity compensation and benefits in a changing economy. Employee Benefit Plan Review, 58(1), 11-14.

Anonymous. (2004, Apr). What steps are employers taking to cut rising RX drug costs? IOMA’s Report on Managing Benefit Plans, 4(4), 7.

Johnson, N. B. (2002). Employee benefits. PowerPoint presentation. Retrieved May 23, 2010,

from https://gatton.uky.edu/Faculty/johnsonn/MGT422/PP/Benefits.ppt

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