
Comparison between two research studies - discuss

Topic: design of blast resistant building

Assignment:An overall 3 to 5 page paper shall include properly cited information from your resources.

The following must be discussed.a. Introduction to the topicb. Relevance of the topic (example of where it applies, etc.).

Description of a technical issue related to your topic and how research has addressed thisd.

Comparison between two research studies - discuss similarities and differences in how they addressed the topic. You must discuss any limitations of the research and point out any questions you have about validity of the results or applicability of results to designe.

Comment on how a product adheres to, or advances the design topic. ( u should find in here a product article for blast resistant like doors or windows so that u can answer this question because I didn't put any product reference in my sources below)

Due to the limited number of resources required these are not expected to be exhaustive discussions, but addressed as appropriate from your specific resources.

The paper shall be technically written, including references. References may extend beyond the required articles (though this is discouraged), and the reference list is not counted towards the page count.

The paper must integrate information found from all sources into a seamless (to the extent possible from the limited number of resources) discussion of the topic.

Sources::This is the only sources u can use for this paper

1.Goel, Manmohan Dass. (2014, may).Blast resistant design of stucures.web.

Search used to find: Engineering village

2.Koccaz, Z. (2008, oct). Archttecturral and structural design for blast resistant building. WEB.
Search used to find: Google

3.Krauthammer, T. (1009). Blast-resistant structural concrete and steel connections.. Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, v 19, n 2.ASCE.

Search used to find: Engineering village

4.Tomasetti, T. (2016). blast-resistant design.Influence of charge shape and point of detonation on blast-resistant design.Structural Engineering (United States), v 142, n 2, February 1, 2016.ASCE5.Search used to find:Engineering village

5) you have to find a product article for blast resistant like doors or windows and use it to answer part e in the assignment
PAPER FORMATTING : All papers must be space and a half, 12 font. Figures, Tables and Headings may be included, but will not count towards the page count. Standard 1" margins at all edges must be used.

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Dissertation: Comparison between two research studies - discuss
Reference No:- TGS02625980

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