
Comparison between mcdonalds and chick fill websites


Create a 2-3 page paper about a comparison between McDonalds and Chick fill A websites.

The paper should include this:

Compare the two websites and discuss how each company uses their websiteto their advantage, what are the disadvantages, what areas could be improved and does their websiteadd value. Also, do the companies use information systems for a competitive advantage (e.g. aparticular system that gives them a competitive advantage by ordering products or refilling inventory,etc.). Apply Porter's Five Forces Model;this is required. Also, great reference materialis the book, Good to Great by Jim Collins. How much integrated will it be with the organization'sstorefront and online presence? What impact do you expect the website to have on the organization'straditional business? If demand suddenly triples because of your website, can the company and thewebsite handle the growth? Is the company driving technology or is technology driving the company?

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Marketing Management: Comparison between mcdonalds and chick fill websites
Reference No:- TGS02043624

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