
Comparison between floyd and dijkstra algorithms

Question 1) Answer all questions.

i) Write down the difference between Linear and non-linear data structure.

ii) What is stack?

iii) What is linked lists?

iv) Write down the difference between malloc() and calloc() function.

v) What is binary tree?

Question 2) Write a program to delete the node whose location is given.

Question 3) Write a program to traverse binary tree.

Question 4) Write a program to short the array using quick sort.

Question 5) Answer all the questions.

i) What is AVL tree?

ii) Write down the difference between AVL tree and BST.

iii) What is graph representation?

iv) What is reflexive transitive closure?

v) What is adjacency matrix, how it represents a simple graph.

Question 6) Write a program to create Binary Search Tree.

Question 7) Write a program to traverse a graph with BFT and DFT.

Question 8) Write comparison between Floyd’s and Dijkstra’s algorithms.

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Comparison between floyd and dijkstra algorithms
Reference No:- TGS04342

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