
Comparing ipv4 and ipv6 packet header

Answer the following questions.

Question 1)a) Write a detailed note on Connecting Devices in an Internet.

b) Briefly describe Internet standards with block diagram.

Question 2)a) What is subnet mask? How is it different from default mask? Describe with appropriate example.

b) With examples describe Classes and Blocks in IP address.

Question 3)a) With a neat block diagram explain forwarding without subnetting.

b) Write a short note on the following:

1. Static verses Dynamic routing table.

2. Fields in a routing table.

Question 4)a) Briefly describe ARP packet format.

b) Describe fragmentation in an IP datagram.

Question 5)a) Briefly describe UDP package.

b) With neat diagrams describe resolution in a DNS.

Question 6)a) Compare IPv4 and IPv6 packet header.

b) List the NVT character set with meanings for option negotiation in TELNET.

c) Write a detailed note on connections in FTP.

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Computer Networking: Comparing ipv4 and ipv6 packet header
Reference No:- TGS06285

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