
Comparenbspthe 2015 company financials to the industry

Compare the 2015 Company Financials to the Industry Averages and export the results into a Microsoft® Excel® document. 

Add a new column in your Microsoft® Excel® document titled "Change" and calculate the difference between the company's 2015 financial results and the industry averages. 

Explain in 1,050 words how the company you selected compares to the industry averages in terms of financial profitability, liquidity and solvency, and why the difference is important. Also review the financial statements over the last three years, and discuss any positive and negative trends would you report to the company's management.

Submit the calculations as well as the explanation.

(Company working on is  apple inc.)

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HR Management: Comparenbspthe 2015 company financials to the industry
Reference No:- TGS02230076

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