Identify a matching firm in your firm's industry with similar size as your firm (use 2016 total assets to choose a matching firm). Compare your firm's long term debt/total assets and long term debt/equity ratio with your matching firm
long-term debt/total assets
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Average 2012-2016
my firm's 0.30119324 0.2547197 0.192052856 0.34020731 0.259619798 0.269558581
matching firm's 0.343400075 0.410872471 0.375855046 0.290544002 0.426676432 0.369469605
long-term debt/equity
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Average 2012-2016
my firm's 0.669755253 0.540001421 0.412900889 0.816918297 0.614318007 0.610778899\
matching firm's 0.77421935 0.919957248 0.735940582 0508787872 1.179508605 0.823682732