
Compare your experience with your prior knowledge


Self-Reflection Paper

The Self-Reflection paper is a key learning tool for this class. To start, we must think and reflect about what we have done and learned.
So what have we covered?

You started out not knowing anything about marketing and here you are 4 weeks into the semester and you have explored the target market concept by looking at it as a group of 1 for your animoto. You discovered the importance of looking at a company and its mission as well as it's orientation for its marketing strategy (product, sales, market, social).

You also looked at the importance of selecting the right target market and how it fits the company strategy and mission in your group during Product Development Day. Then you actually made a brand new product developed especially for your target market. With that done, you began a conversation with your business consultants working on pricing and where you should sell it plus looked at packaging design. Pricing is the last part tackled in this module where you were exposed to a product Profit and Loss statement.

You have done a lot of work!

Page Length: ¾ to 1 page

Guidelines for this written work:

• You may write in the first person, I and we, in a self-reflection paper
• Use 11 pt. type in the face of your choice
• Use single space
• Use in-text citations
• Use APA format for all citations and bibliography

Tips in Writing a Reflection Paper
by Sean Butner, Demand Media

Reflection papers allow students to share their analysis of theoretical and practical experience. (Text, Class, Worksheets, Product Development Day and Basecamp)

Reflection papers allow students the chance to reinforce what they have learned through coursework, lectures and personal experience. Although reflection papers focus on the writer's personal feelings and experiences, they often require multiple sources and frequent use of concrete examples. (You should integrate Product Development Day, class, relating the text and worksheets, research and Basecamp in your reflection...What did you learn? What surprised you? How would it be better realistically? Use examples!)

Often, students involved in experiential classes or capstones such as internships or practicums find reflection papers invaluable for synthesizing their theoretical knowledge with their applied experience. Learning how to write a reflection paper helps you organize your thoughts methodically and gain more from practical experience.

(Please share only those thoughts you are comfortable sharing.)

Step 1

Provide a brief summary. Write a narrative of your experience with the topic upon which you are reflecting. Detail factual information, as well as your sharable feelings and impressions.

Step 2

Compare your experience with your prior knowledge. Introduce any ideas that you had encountered. Point out why you feel the concept pertains to the experience. For instance, if you are reflecting on a lesson plan you had taught, you could discuss articles that you have read on writing and teaching lesson plans. (How did the Product Development Day compare to reading about Product Development in the text is one idea.)

Step 3

Analyze your experience according to the theoretical concept. Show what you learned. Illustrate the ways in which your experience diverged from what the theory expects as well as how closely it conformed to theoretical expectations. Discuss why you feel the theory either described or did not describe your experiences.

Step 4

Edit your reflection paper. Look for the thesis of your paper. Adjust your paper to keep a consistent focus on that thesis. Check for grammatical and stylistic errors. You may write in the first person.
Related Articles

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• Guidelines to Writing an APA Professional Paper

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