
Compare what piaget and neopiagetians would say about the

Cognitive Development and Friendships DBP

After you have completed the Reading, and watched the videos on cognitive development and friendships in middle childhood on pages 206 and 231, post your initial response to the following questions and statements.

1. Using the video on cognitive development in middle childhood, compare what Piaget and neoPiagetians, would say about the cognitive development occurring in the video.

2. Explain some of the cognitive changes that occur during middle childhood. Were any of them present in the video? In your answer, assess the cognitive changes in the context of school and academic achievement.

3. After watching the video related to friendships in middle childhood, conclude how theorists, such as Sullivan and Selman, would explain the concepts being discussed in the video.

Identify the stage of development this child is in according to Selman, and some of the details related to social cognition in this stage.

Are there other features of social cognition in middle childhood that were not discussed in the video?

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Dissertation: Compare what piaget and neopiagetians would say about the
Reference No:- TGS02452895

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