
Compare us unemployment with country unemployment


Uemployment in America compared to the rest of the world.

This paper need to give answer for these questions;

Why do you want to compare US unemployment with other country's unemployment? What do you intend to find? What is the purpose of your paper? Is there any problem with US unemployment? If there is, just investigate that problem and solve it. If there is not, find a problem in US unemployment as the purpose of your paper.

I. Introduction/Significance of the Problem (around 0.5 to 1 page)

This section should explain the significance of the issue you are studying. Why should we (or the company or government of X) care?

II. Analysis including literature review (5 to 6 pages)

In this section, you should analyze the issue you are interested in using the tools (models) and concepts learned in ECON2101. Did anyone else study this or similar issue before? What are their main findings? How do your analysis/findings differ from or coincide with the findings of others? Be sure to use data or some other evidence to support your arguments. If you are studying some policy issue, what policy recommendations would you make and why? Make sure that your recommendations and findings are consistent with your evidence. Do not write literature review for longer than one page.

III. Conclusion (0.5 to 1 page)

Summarize your findings. You need to convince the reader that you addressed the issue you wanted to study and that you have important findings/recommendations. Make sure that your conclusions are consistent with your analysis.

IV. References

Cite your sources in alphabetical order. Use at least four primary sources. Do not forget to cite the sources for your data. When citing references, please use Author(Date) citation style commonly used in economics papers.

B. Format

Your paper should be typed using font 12, double-spaced. The length of your paper should be around 7 pages. This is a 6 to 8 page typed (double spaced with one inch margins) paper, with a bibliography that includes at least 4 peer reviewed sources). You may also include appendices for tables or figures if you wish.

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Microeconomics: Compare us unemployment with country unemployment
Reference No:- TGS02985176

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