
Compare two urban civilizations in the americas pre-contact


Task 1


Urbanization is one of the major criteria for the development of a civilization. When Europeans arrived in the Americas, the "New World," they found few urban centers and determined that the peoples of the Americas were uncivilized. This, in part, justified conquest; however, they were wrong. There were a number of urban civilizations in the Americas, some of which rivaled the greatest cities of Europe, many of which were built and flourished while Western Europe languished in the Dark Ages. To be successful in this discussion you must understand the main points of the Exploration and Lecture.


Write a 150 to 200 word post as follows (citation doesn't count):

  • Compare and contrast two urban civilizations in the Americas pre-contact.
  • Make sure to address at least three of these elements in your post: religion, geography, politics, economy, trade, culture, agriculture, technology.
  • Imagine you were a European of the Middle Ages encountering this society for the first time. How would you react and why?

Task 2


In this discussion, you will role-play a member of one of the Estates during the Middle Ages who explains your position in society and your relationship with the other two estates. To be successful with this discussion, you must understand the stories told in the Module 4 Exploration and Lecture -- particularly the information on Society and Culture and Religion.


For this discussion, pretend that you are either a knight, a member of the clergy, or a peasant during the Middle Ages. Be gender specific; for example, if you are a peasant, you might be male or female; if a member of the church, you might be a monk or a nun. In your chosen role, compose a post a follows:

Write a 150 to 200 word description of your typical day, from morning to night.

Explain how you interact with the other estates (classes) in the course of your day.

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History: Compare two urban civilizations in the americas pre-contact
Reference No:- TGS03180750

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