
Compare two cases of natural disaster eg earthquake in

Please write an essay (2,500-3,000w) about one of the following topics:

1) Analyse a movie (has to be available in English) in terms of identity. Note: you cannot use This is England!

To answer this question you need to find a film that lends itself to the analysis of an identity, for example class, gender or national identity. You need to focus on one or two types of identity only (e.g.national identity in 'Lost in Translation') and exemplify your ideas by analysing key scenes from the movie. Discuss how signs and symbols are used to create meaning and point out any stereotypes and how they are used in the movie. Examples for references: you will need to reference the movie, any reviews you use and probably sources about identity, semiotics and film analysis.

2) Cross-cultural communication: Fundraising for victims of natural disasters

Compare two cases of natural disaster (eg earthquake in Mexico and Hurricane Irma in Florida) and research how the media report the situation of the affected population. You can also look at bushfires, storms, avalanches, or any other natural disaster. Analyse the difference in response to fundraising efforts and explain related intercultural and cross- cultural communication.Examples for references: articles about the disasters, speeches by politicians, sources of statistics

3) Taboo discourse

Analyse the discourse around mental health. Are mental disorders still taboo? How is this topic treated in the media?

You can either use Australia or another country as a case study and research how international communication impacts developments in this country, or you can compare discourses about mental health in two different countries.

In either case, discuss howpolitical and cultural changes impact public opinion. Identify cultural influences that may change attitudes towards mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. References should include sources on taboo, on regulations, possibly social media and media campaigns.

4) Identity and power

Choose two current leading politicians in the world and analyse how their identities shape the way their countries are perceived by others, how power relations are influenced and how communication processes are affected by the way they are presented in the media.

To answer this question, pick two personalities you find interesting and do research on them. Look at what they stand for, but also what they look like, how they communicate (verbal and non-verbal) and give some examples of how they are portrayed in the media. You will not be able to cover everything, so concentrate on the concepts of identity and power and back up your ideas with findings from the readings/research. Referencing: sources about the politicians, speeches, literature on identity, literature on power.

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Business Management: Compare two cases of natural disaster eg earthquake in
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