
Compare the vision you had of a good leader


Learning Activity

Compare the vision you had of a "Good Leader" when you started the course and the vision you have today. Be detailed in your description. Address the role of social architect in the 21st century, characteristics, and perspective of the leader as you have come to understand them from the class reading and ideas. What are the major differences between the two visions and therefore the major ideas you will take away from this course?

Learning Activity

This course has allowed you to examined leadership from many different angles and perspectives, and leads us to the debating question, is their one leadership approach that tends to go above and beyond other approaches as we as excel into the 21st century? Forbes suggest business competitiveness and profitability margins are more stringent than ever before in the global (world) commerce; and intrinsically motivating the various generations within the workforce has never been more challenging and vital than now, and into the foreseeable future. Some of the most successful companies/organizations are leaning toward transformational leaders, as well as nurturing and growing constructive cultures.

What empirical research can you uncover that supports the notion that transformational leaders and constructive cultures ultimately increase the profits/memberships etc., of companies/organizations bottom line (desired outcomes)? Using the internet, class materials, readings, and other resources, share your supporting arguments, based on valid and reliable research...not solely based on opinions.
All research should be referenced using in-text citations, with supporting references. The expectation is that students will have a scholarly discussion using APA style. Under the Discipline Specific Policies in the Course Overview section of the Syllabus, students will adhere to the APA guidelines for this activity.

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Microeconomics: Compare the vision you had of a good leader
Reference No:- TGS01820960

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