
Compare the teacher salaries in virginia to teacher salaries


Go to the American Federation of Teachers website and search for the most recent data on "teacher salaries". Find Virginia. Compare the teacher salaries in Virginia to teacher salaries in 3 other states and to teacher salaries in the United States in general. In 2 to 3 pages, discuss these comparisons.

Be sure to analyze multiple variables. For example, one important variable to consider is cost of living in different locations. For information on this, check out the Salary Comparison Calculator. Please locate 1 or 2 additional websites, as well, for this information.

Possible references:

American Federation of Teachers, (2007). Survey of teacher salary trends.

CNN Money (2007). How far will my salary go in another city? Salary comparison calculator.

Florida Department of Education (n.d.). Data Publications and Reports: Staff - Review Reports on Teacher Salary.

PayScale (2012). Salary for all K-12 teaches.

Pellegrino, J. & Quellmalz, E. (2010). Perspectives on the integration of technology and assessment. Journal of Research on Technology in Education 43(2). pp. 119-134.

Southern Regional Education Board (2011). Focus on teacher reform legislation in SREB States: Tenure, dismissal and performance pay policies.

Tekleselassie, A. & Villarreal III, P. (2011). Career mobility and departure intentions among school principals in the united states: Incentives and disincentives. Leadership and Policy in Schools.

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