
Compare the so calculated value of y with the approximate

Write a C program that

Scan a double variable x and evaluate y=exp(x) by using the math.h library of functions.

Your objective in this homework is to compare the so calculated value of y with the approximate value Y obtained by using 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 leading terms of the Taylor series:

exp(x) = x^0/0! + x^1/1! + x^2/2! + x^3/3! + x^4/4! + ....

Recall that k!=k*(k-1)*(k-2)* ... *3*2*1 and 0!=1.

Use a do/while loop in conjunction with a switch statement switch(). Enter a character 1 for one term approximation,2 for two terms, etc., by using getchar() function. Use 0 to exit the program. Within switch, use default: 
if (char != '0') => unrecognized operator.

Let your opening case calculate the fourth term x^4/4!, let the subsequent case calculate the x^3/3! term, etc. (In this way, you wan't need to use repeatedly a break statement within your switch).

Evaluate the corresponding Y, print the result in one line,and the relative error (Y-y)/y in another line.

Execute your program for all five cases (with corresponding

Your output should be like this:

Enter x: 1.25

True value of exp(1.2500) = 3.490343

Enter a character 1-5 (0 to exit):
1 term(s) approximation
Approximate exp(1.2500) = 1.000000
Relative error = -71.349520 percent

Enter a character 1-5 (0 to exit):
2 term(s) approximation
Approximate exp(1.2500) = 2.250000
Relative error = -35.536421 percent

Enter a character 1-5 (0 to exit):
3 term(s) approximation
Approximate exp(1.2500) = 3.031250
Relative error = -13.153233 percent

Enter a character 1-5 (0 to exit):
4 term(s) approximation
Approximate exp(1.2500) = 3.356771
Relative error = -3.826905 percent

Enter a character 1-5 (0 to exit):
5 term(s) approximation
Approximate exp(1.2500) = 3.458496
Relative error = -0.912428 percent

Enter a character 1-5 (0 to exit):
unrecognized operator

Enter a character 1-5 (0 to exit):

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Basic Computer Science: Compare the so calculated value of y with the approximate
Reference No:- TGS0138677

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