
Compare the role of the individual and the role of the


• How do relative ethics compare to universal ethical standards? Should ethics ever be relative? Provide a rationale for your response.
Relative ethics apply to you mainly and your family while universal ethics apply to everyone across a broad spectrum of situations. Yes ethics should be relative. Because it is very important to set what you do right and what you do wrong.

• What is an ethical dilemma? Give three examples of ethical dilemmas that workers or managers might face in a business setting.

When whatever you might do will have negative consequences. When forcing you to choose among bad options.

1. If some of your employe ask you to get your advise if he should go to another job, but you need him to complete a job. And you also know after completing this job their department will be close. But the company policy don't allow you to release the information to him. So you have to make the decision to tell him to go or stay.

2. If you know that 2 of your employes must have same wage set by the company policy but they have differents wage, your boss and you know, but you are not the right person to make the decision to change; and you know why your boss don't want to make the change. And your employe with low wage was in doubt that she is getting pay lower than her coworker with same seniority. She comes ask you about the confirmation, she is about to leave the company. And you know that she is right. But, by tell her to leave, you are taking a risk with your job. And you have to make the decision.

3. If your boss tells you that you will get a raise but only if he was to fire your friend at work that will affect him and his family. And you have to make the decision to fire him and get the raise or to maintain him and stay with your actual wage.

• Compare the role of the individual and the role of the organization in ethical decision making. How can business promote an ethical climate?

The individual role comes with making decisions that will affect yourself, your family your religion. The organization role in ethical decision affects people who work for the organization and ultimately the people who make the decisions reputation.

• When might the need for social responsibility conflict with the need to maximize profits? When the needs conflict, how should a firm decide which path to pursue?

The two might conflict when the business is not doing to well and they need to maximize their profits. But at the same time they haven't contributed anything in a long time. They have to make the decision whether they want to keep the money and maximize profits or contribute.

• Do you believe that employers should respond to employee needs for work-life balance? Why or why not? What are the trade-offs?

Yes I believe they do. Because employees have families that they need to take care of. Whether it be that they need to provide for their families health care or just spend some time with them. By providing employees with this they are losing money and time that their employees work.

• What are the 6 main barriers to effective communication? Which barriers are easiest to surmount? Why?

. What are the 6 main barriers to effective communication? Which barriers are easiest to surmount? Why?

1. Organizational barriers

2. Physical barriers

3. Cultural barriers

4. Language barriers

5. Perceptual barriers

6. Body language barriers

The barriers easiest to surmount are physical- (you can act like they aren't bothering you or there irrelevant), perceptual-(you can explore your audiences perceptions of positive and negative beforehand), body language barriers-(you can work on avoiding certain gestures and keep a natural, appropriate body stance.)

• Why is nonverbal communication so important? How can you tell when nonverbal communication is effective?

Nonverbal communication is important because 38% of meaning comes from tone of voice and 55% of meaning comes from body language. You can tell it is effective when it supports the verbal element of the message.
• When you develop messages, what factors should you consider as you choose your words? Which considerations do you think are most important? Why?

You should consider factors such as:

• Analyzing what your audience needs: What are the expectations, education, and professions?

• Being concise: don't be concise at the expense of completeness, but keep your message short and complete as possible.

• Avoiding slang: Unless you're certain your audience will understand and appreciate it, do not use slang.

• Avoiding bias: Avoid common bias like gender, age, race, ethnicity, and nationality bias.

• Using active voice whenever possible: Active voice facilitates direct, powerful, concise communication.

I think there all vital. If you want to get your point across to your audience and be clear, concise, and effective, you need to apply all the factors into developing your message.
To find the right words, you must begin with the need of your audience; also you have to consider the expectations, the education level of the audience and profession. I think the expectations and the education are both important because we must overcome the expectation of our audience and we need to know the level of vocabulary we can use on our message.

• How should the needs and expectations of your reader affect the structure of your writing? Why does it matter?

There's a fine line between appealing to the masses and compromising your own artistic integrity. Like the first poster said, if the audience doesn't like/understand your work, they won't read it. So, if your goal is to be a successful, published author, it'd be wise to keep the audience's thoughts, perceptions, and expectations in mind. This might mean tweaking things here and there. However, under no circumstances should you alter your work solely because you believe it's what anyone else would want: if what you're writing is no longer your story, but the story you believe your potential readers want you to write, then there's really no reason for you to continue. Your primary audience is YOU, and if YOU love, understand, and appreciate your work, odds are your audience will too.

Need and expectation define your writing directly because, the topic and the form we deliver the message will catch the attention of the audience. The words we use can encourage the audience to stay with you longer enough to absorb the message.

• Why do so many people ignore or delete email messages? How can you boost the chances that your target audience will read your message?

The majority of people ignore or delete email messages because they receive way too many to sort or respond to.
you can: Create a compelling subject line, respond quickly to an email from others, keep the tone of your message positive, keep your email short and use standard writing.

Many business people feel pressure, checking emails or even regular email, is like approaching a fire hose for a sip of water.

For your audience to get to read your messages you have to keep in mind certain details: keep it short, proofread, use standard writing, avoid attachments if possible, respond promptly to emails, assume the best, create a compelling subject line, and think before you write and think again before you send.


• Taking a code of ethics "off the wall and into the hall" can be a particular challenge for medium to large firms with a diverse array of employees. Imagine that you are the president of a ten-location casual dining restaurant chain that operates in your state. You have recently developed a code of ethics that you unveiled last month at a meeting with your restaurant managers. But as you've visited the various restaurants and chatted with the employees this month, you've realized that most of them know nothing about the code of ethics other than that it's posted on the break room wall. Clearly, you need to bring the code of ethics to life. Outline a training plan that will help employees at all levels-from bus boys to kitchen managers-understand and live by the code of ethics.

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Business Economics: Compare the role of the individual and the role of the
Reference No:- TGS01104577

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