
Compare the relative values of bending moment shear force



This coursework exercise is based on the same building arrangement as used for the concrete coursework in Structural Engineering 1 except that the structural materials used will be different. The building has a reinforced concrete ground floor slab (on solid ground) with three suspended floors and a flat roof. The floors and roof are constructed of precast prestressed concrete units that span one way onto steel beams. Assume the structural size of the roof will be the same as the floors. The steel beams can be assumed simply supported between steel columns that transmit the loads to the foundations. The structure will be braced in an appropriate manner to resist horizontal forces without the need for frame action (requiring rigid connections) between beams and columns.


Floor imposed load (from table below depending on your data code). Use only the UDL value and ignore effects of corridor loading.
Floor self weight , precast prestressed ‘Hollowcore' concrete units, 2.42kN/m2.
Floor finishes (from table below depending on your data code).
Moveable partitions 1.0kN/m2.
Ceiling finishes (including allowance for permanent services), 0.75kN/m2
Dimensions ‘e', ‘f' and ‘g' from table below depending on your data code.
Weight of atrium wall (glass screen) = 1.8kN /m2
External walls - cavity wall:-
Outer leaf of 150mm cast stone (22.1kN/m3)
Inner leaf of 150mm aerated (light weight) blockwork (6.0kN/m3).

To assist in finding your set of data, here is an example. If your data code was 21463, the data would be as follows:-
The first number is 2, and from the first row in the table above the floor imposed load to be used should be relevant to ‘Classrooms'.
The second number is 1, and from the second row in the table above the floor finish is 0.8kN/m2.
The third number is 4, and from the third row in the table above the dimension ‘e' is 8.6m.
The fourth number is 6, and from the fourth row in the table above the dimension ‘f' is 5.5m.
The fifth number is 3, and from the fifth row in the table above the dimension ‘g' is 4.5m.

Phase 1 Submission - Design of Beams

Firstly the number of different beam types in a typical floor will be determined; i.e. beams which will have different values of bending moment. All beams can be assumed simply supported between columns. Two critical beams will then be designed. The critical main beam is assumed to be on grid line A, spanning between H and I. The critical secondary beam is assumed to be on grid line F spanning between B and C. It will be assumed that all main beams are one size and all secondary beams another size. This approach will not minimise steel weight, but it will make the fabrication and erection of the steelwork more straightforward and may lead to an overall cost reduction. The main beams will run along gridlines A, B, C and D, and the secondary beams along gridlines F, G, H, I, J and K. The connections between the beams and columns do not need to be designed, but will be one of the types shown in Figure 2 above.

Assume that the floor consists of precast prestressed ‘Hollowcore' concrete units, which span one way onto the steel beams as shown in Figure 1. The self-weight of these concrete units can be taken as 2.42kN/m2. The loads to be considered therefore are:-
- variable (imposed) Load
- floor finish
- ceilings
- self weight of concrete units
- self weight of steel beams.

It can be assumed that all edge beams carry the weight of the wall from one storey above only.
Beams should be checked for all relevant conditions as detailed in the course notes.

Initial sizing of the main steel beams (along gridlines A, B, C, and D) may be taken as span/depth = 18 (approx.), or other suitable method - see course notes. Initial sizing of the secondary steel beams (along gridlines F, G, H, I, J and K) may be taken as span/depth = 14 (approx.). Assume that the secondary beams support a 0.5m width of flooring on either side of the beam (as appropriate). Those on the outside of the building and those adjacent to the void will only support a 0.5m width, and internal secondary beams will support a 1m width. This allows for the possibility of some of the weight of the floor being carried by the secondary beams.

Lateral Restraint

It can be assumed that those beams supporting the concrete floor units (those on grid lines A, B, C and D) have full lateral restraint, and nominal torsional restraints at the supports.

For the purposes of this exercise it should be assumed that those beams spanning in the same direction as the concrete floor units (gridlines F, G, H, I, J and K) are only restrained at the supports, i.e. the adjacent columns. This means that these beams will be subject to lateral torsional buckling. The reason for this is the doubt over the degree of contact between the steel beam and the adjacent concrete unit, particularly since prior to loading, the prestressing force in the concrete units tends to cause an upward (or hogging) curvature.

Phase 2 Submission - General Arrangement Drawing

The drawing may either be done on one A2 sized sheet, or two A3 sized sheets, and should show the following:-

- General arrangement of the building (plans, elevations, sections). All the steel section sizes should be shown. It should be assumed that there are two beam section sizes, one size for the main beams, one for the secondary beams. Use the beam section sizes chosen in Phase 1. It should also be assumed that all the columns are the same section size. The approximate width required for the steel columns may be found from the following ratio:
height (between floors)/breadth = 17 (approx.). Using this size, select a steel column from the section book with a width (B and D) of approximately this value. It can be assumed that the same column section will be used for the full height of the building.

- Foundations. It should be assumed that the columns extend 1m below ground floor level to the top of the foundations. Assume that the foundations are pad foundations of size 2.5m x 2.5m x 0.5m deep.

- An arrangement of bracing required to resist horizontal loading and to provide lateral stability should be shown. (Calculations and section sizes for any bracing steelwork are not required).

- A typical beam to column connection. This should be the type of connection chosen in Phase 1. (Calculations for the connection are not required).

The drawing(s) can be either computer or hand produced, using either pencil or ink. The drawing(s) should be folded to A4 size for submission.

Phase - Guideline Comments

1. This can be deduced.

2. This can be deduced.

3. Include for finishes, ceiling and slab self weight.

4. To find the imposed load (or variable load), look up the tables contained in EN1991-1-1, Actions on structures. Use the distributed load value in your design (do not consider the concentrated load value for this exercise). Moveable partitions should also be added.

5. Wall load (characteristic or unfactored). (kN/m). Assume that each edge floor beam in the building will support the weight of one storey height of wall. Therefore assume that the beam supports a floor to floor height of both inner and outer leafs of the wall. The density values are given in the instruction sheets. This load has been calculated in the Structural Engineering 1 coursework.

Critical Main Beam, Grid A spanning between H and I

6. Choose the beam size based on span/depth = 18.

7. Calculate the self weight.

8. Remember to factor the loads for ULS. You should include permanent and imposed loads from the floor, beam self weight, and the weight of the external wall.

9, 10. Beam is simply supported with uniformly distributed load.

(The value for BM should be between 900kNm and 450kNm. If your answer is outside this range, check your calculations.)

11. Assume S275 steel.

12-16. Local buckling check. Carry out section classification. See notes.

17-21. Shear. See notes.

22-25. Bending. This beam has full lateral restraint which is provided by the concrete floor. Lateral torsional buckling does not need to be considered.

26-29. Deflection. The unfactored variable (imposed) load should be used.

30. See examples in coursework instruction sheets and select a suitable type of connection to sketch.

31. See the notes.

32. Compare the relative values of bending moment, shear force and deflection with the capacities or allowable values. Is the beam much stronger than it needs to be, or is it not strong enough? Would it be worth trying another beam to achieve a more satisfactory design?

Critical secondary beam, grid F spanning between B and C.

33. Choose the beam size based on span/depth = 14.

34. Calculate the self weight.

35. This beam is similar to the main beam, supporting floor loading, self weight, and wall weight. Assume that the secondary beam supports a 0.5m width of flooring on one side of the beam. This allows for the possibility of some of the weight of the floor being carried by the secondary beams

36,37. Beam is simply supported with uniformly distributed load.

(The value for BM should be between 160kNm and 50kNm. If your answer is outside this range, check your calculations.)

38. Assume S275 steel.

39-43. Local buckling check. Carry out section classification. See notes.

44-48. Shear. See notes.

22-25. Bending. This beam does not have full lateral restraint. However, the bending resistance should in theory still be checked. Lateral torsional buckling will be critical and needs to be considered.

Lateral Torsional Buckling

53. Factor C1 can be found in the notes.

54-62. The method in the notes should be used.

63-66. Deflection. The unfactored variable (imposed) load should be used.

67. Compare the relative values of bending moment, shear force and deflection with the capacities or allowable values. Is the beam much stronger than it needs to be, or is it not strong enough? Would it be worth trying another beam to achieve a more satisfactory design?


Project Management Coursework

In this coursework you are required to prepare, organize and submit a Project Information Pack. The Project Information Pack will contain key documentation for the planning and control phases of a project. The project theme is at the discretion of the student. However, it must be a project, and hence have a definite start and finish as well as the coordination of people and resources. The project can be derived from work or other personal experience. For example, you may choose a project that is related to university work, part-time work or leisure interest. Whilst the project theme is at the discretion of the student, the presentation format must be strictly adhered to. The Project Management Coursework must be presented as a Project Information Pack. The contents for the Project Information Pack must include the following:

1/ A Project Information Sheet:
The Project Information sheet will outline the project aims, key dates as well as identifying key project stakeholders and their invested interest in the project outcomes. The Project Information Sheet is one page.

2/ A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS):
The WBS should be structured and coded and identify between a minimum of twenty (20) - to - twenty five (25) project tasks.

3/ Prepare a Method Statement:
For three tasks identified in the WBS, prepare a standard method statement outlining the processes involved. Clearly identify how an inspector would know the task had begun and when it was complete.

4/ Prepare a Bar Chart (Gantt Chart):
Using MS Project, prepare a bar chart demonstrating task interdependencies, critical path and earliest and latest start dates. Note: the project bar chart should correspond with the WBS and referencing (coding) outlined earlier.

5/ Input Project Resources:
Identify six key resources. Using MS Project, input the required resources and allocate these resources to the appropriate task. Cost should be assigned to these key resources (they don't have to be accurate but should be realistic!), Save the project as a baseline.

6/ Compile a Risk Register:
Prepare a risk register in matrix format. The risk register should identify six tasks from the programme of works. The risk analysis and response must be based on the project risk associated with these six tasks.

7/ Prepare a Guide to Procurement Fact Sheet:
Pick one project task and clearly explain to the project client three alternative procurement routes. The ‘Guide to Procurement' should be approximately 500 words and should focus on explaining how a project resource (service or product) may be procured using different approaches. Comment should be made on the advantages, disadvantages and the likely distribution of risk.

8/ Enact a Project Scenario:
Imagine you have reached the halfway point in the project. Save the project as a baseline. Update your project plan, showing the progress made to date. As a consequence of a delay to one or more tasks, show some variation between the baseline plan and actual progress.

Analyse the effect of the variation on the incomplete tasks and project end date. Produce a two column table indicating 5 significant effects of the variation and the possible actions to mitigate the effect on the project completion.

9/ Print Hardcopies:

(1) Print the project barchart (customized and on one A4 sheet of paper). The critical path should be clearly identifiable along with project milestones.

(2) Print a filtered barchart (customized and on one A4 sheet of paper). The filtered barchart should illustrate the allocation of one project resource.

Note: screen dumps will receive a zero mark.Q1/ Write a report exploring the rationale, application and potential implication(s) of the Construction Design and Management (CDM) Regulations 2015.

It is important to apply the principle of the CDM Regulation to construction activity. Comment on the following:
1. the development and evolution of the CDM Regulations since their introduction in 1994.
2. review professional responsibilities of key participants in the construction process and,
3. where appropriate, include ‘case-studies' of good health and safety practice.

The report should be 1500 words (+/- 10%). All relevant material should be correctly referenced as per the UWS guidelines.

Note: Late submission of up to one week (seven days) will receive a 10% penalty. Submission beyond one week (seven days) the coursework will be given a zero mark).

Assignment 2

This assignment involves the following tasks:

- You must determine the elevation of the foundation for the central support of a bridge that gives the lowest cost.
- You must determine the elevation of the foundation for the central support of a bridge that gives the shortest construction time.

Both of these tasks will be carried out using an Excel Spreadsheet. You will need to set up and develop this spreadsheet yourself. A base spreadsheet will be provided but this must be expanded and developed by you.

Besides doing calculations to determine the cost and time required for the different foundation options you must include 4 plots with the spreadsheet. These plots are:

- Total cost versus depth of foundationfor lowest cost foundation (with best fit line determined with equations and r2 values shown)
- Total time versus depth of foundation for lowest cost foundation (with best fit line determined with equations and r2 values shown)
- Pie chart of costs for lowest cost foundation
- Pie chart of time for lowest cost foundation

Determination of the optimum foundation for the central support

You are provided with 3 options for the foundation. The data for each of the 3 options is:

The data you require for the resubmission is given below:

Elevation of top of sheet pile wall = 21m
Elevation of toe of sheet pile wall = 8m
Elevation of river bed = 19m

Load carried by column = 2500 kN

The optimum level for the foundation will be selected on the basis of the following:
- The foundation elevation chosen gives the lowest cost
- The foundation elevation is safe from piping and heave due to groundwater flow

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Project Management: Compare the relative values of bending moment shear force
Reference No:- TGS01536522

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