
Compare the ratings in all of these cultural dimensions

Question: Please answer all the questions fully and detailed. Must be at last 250-300 words. No plagiarism must be original material from scratch. No previous material from other papers. This is a two part question that must be answered.

1. Select an international company in a field you are familiar with and determine two (2) key areas (i.e., staffing, training, employee and labor relations, compensation, benefits) where HR will have additional issues and challenges to deal with than in strictly U.S.-based companies. Next, suggest at least two (2) recommendations for dealing with these issues and challenges. Provide a rationale for your response.

2. Per Chapter 16 of your text, Geert Hofstede's Model of National Culture outlines six (6) cultural dimensions in which countries may differ: power-distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, long term orientation, and indulgence. Go to the Hofstede Centre's website and select two (2) different countries. Compare the ratings in all of these cultural dimensions, plus the additional dimension of Indulgence listed on the site, between your selected countries. Next, describe at least two (2) challenges employees from these selected countries may face in working with each other due to differences in the dimensions. Provide a rationale for your response.

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Dissertation: Compare the ratings in all of these cultural dimensions
Reference No:- TGS02901911

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