1. Compare the processors' access to main memory for the loosely coupled configuration and the symmetric multiprocessing configurations. Give a real-life example (not from lecture or textbook!) where the symmetric configuration might be preferred.
Submit your responses here. For credit:
- Repeat each question above each response
- Answer in your own words, and reference sources
2. Give an original "real life" example (not related to a computer system environment, not discussed in our textbook or in lecture) of each of these concepts: deadlock, starvation, and race.
3. Describe the programmer's role when implementing explicit parallelism.
5. Using the narrow staircase example from the beginning of this chapter, create a list of features or actions that would allow people to use it without causing deadlock or starvation.
6. Give a real-life example (not from lecture or textbook!) of busy-waiting.
8. Compare and contrast multiprocessing and concurrent processing. Describe the role of process synchronization for both systems.
9. Describe the purpose of a buffer and give an example from your own experience (not from lecture or textbook!) where its use clearly benefits system response.
14. As discussed in this chapter, a system that is in an unsafe state is not necessarily deadlocked. Explain why this is true. Give an example of such a system (in an unsafe state) and describe how all the processes could be completed without causing deadlock to occur.
16. Given the four primary types of resources-CPU, memory, secondary storage, and files-select for each one the most suitable technique described in this chapter to fight deadlock and briefly explain why you choose it.