
Compare the price of the good for a competition

Introduction to Business

In this paper you are required to identify one television commercial you really, really like. Using the four Ps of marketing analyze the good or service you choose.

1. Product - clearly identify the good or service. What is the product all about? What demographic is the good or service for? (20 Points)

2. Promotion -Did the commercial clearly target the right demographic? Could another type (medium) of promotion have been used? What other promotional activity (billboards, hording, in-store promotions, free samples and trials, etc.) could you find in your locality relating to the product (20 points)

3. Place - Now go to local store where such product is sold. If you choose a service, drive through your city's main street or search through your local newspaper. Did you find competing goods or services to the one you choose? Which was easier to find; your choice or the competition's? What can you advise the producers based on your findings?

4. Price - compare the price of the good/service of choice to that of its competition. What can the difference in pricing (if any) convey to you as a consumer? Is the price adequate relative to the target audience of the promotion? What do you advise the producers on pricing of the good/service - is it too expensive relative to competition or just adequate?

- You are expected to show a clear and very lucid understanding of the concepts studied in this class by using relevant terminologies and examples in your write-up and presentation.

- It would be to your advantage to prove your understanding of the concepts of marketing and business terms by applying such concepts in your write-up.

Specific instructions regarding mechanics of writing:

Your group research paper must be in ONE MS Word or RTF file. Use either the MLA or the

APA academic writing style. Please go to your class' Blackboard "Resource" folder for the link to Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (OWL) resource in case of doubt of what constitutes the MLA or APA writing standard. You may also obtain a free copy of MLA/APA writing guide and sample from your local ITCC library.

Field Research Paper Page 1 of 2

Your research paper should at least (minimum) 1,000 words long (excluding title, name, date, and references if you cited any source in the write-up). Use any of the common font type (Times New Roman, Arial, Calibri etc.) and font size 12, line spacing is 2.0 and used paragraphs to show logical transition in your writing. (Conforming to these earns the student 10 points)

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Marketing Management: Compare the price of the good for a competition
Reference No:- TGS01774977

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