Compare the movements bilaterally or both sides

Discussion Post: Break down a movement is the first step in analyzing a skill

Being able to break down a movement is the first step in analyzing a skill. Initially we must look at each joint and determine what movement is taking place.

Using approximately 400-500 words, choose a sports skill you wish to analyze (note this will be the same sports skill used in a future assignment). Some examples include a free throw shot, softball pitch, soccer kick, baseball swing, etc.

• Discuss what movements occur at the ankle, knee, hip, spine, shoulder, elbow, and wrist.

• Compare the movements bilaterally, or both sides.

• In which planes do these movements occur?

• What axis of rotation occurs at each joint? Include at least two scholarly references to guide your answers.

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Compare the movements bilaterally or both sides
Reference No:- TGS03209026

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