
Compare the herodotus portrays xerxes and leonidas


In this activity you will read the selection from Books 1, 6, and 7 of Herodotus' Histories translated by Lewis Stiles of the University of Saskatchewan. You will then write 2 papers consisting of one page each derived from the 2 topics below:

Topic 1: Discuss the meaning of Herodotus' story of how Kroisos misunderstood the Oracle of Delphi.

Topic 2: Compare and contrast how Herodotus portrays Xerxes and Leonidas. How does the hubris of the Persian king contrast with the bravery of the Spartan king?

Write two significant, analytical, thoughtful and grammatically correct pages, one on an "1" topic and one on a "2" topic.

Note: you are writing TWO pages total.

Links needed: - https://homepage.usask.ca/~jrp638/DeptTransls/Hdt.html

- https://homepage.usask.ca/~jrp638/CourseNotes/HdtOutline.html

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History: Compare the herodotus portrays xerxes and leonidas
Reference No:- TGS03002802

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