
Compare the countries corruption perception index scores


This is Part A of the Country Analysis Project for BUS 366: International Business. This is an individual project.

Select two countries (neither one can be the United States). These two countries will be the countries you use throughout all three parts of the project. The Culture and Ethics parts listed below must be done for both countries.

I will run the submissions through an anti-plagiarism software. Failure to reference the websites or any other research will result in a grade reduction of 3 points in your project score.

Please place your name inside the file as a header. This makes it easier for me to grade and causes less confusion for you in the future. Failure to do this may result in points (-5) being subtracted from your grade.

Please note that I use Turn-It-In anti-plagiarism software. If you directly quote a source, use quotation marks.

PLEASE NOTE: The countries you choose for Part A will be the countries you analyze for Parts B and C. If, for some reason, information is not available for your countries at the websites cited by a particular question, please choose other countries to answer the questions.


Using the tools at https://www.hofstede-insights.com/product/compare-countries/, CHOOSE TWO countries (neither one the USA) and COMPARE them among only the four HOFSTEDE dimensions presented on the website and in class. Provide the following: a short explanation of each dimension, an explanation of how the dimension applies to both countries. Highlight how each Hofstede dimension can contribute to or discourage business corruption. Apply this insight for each of your two countries.


Go to Transparency International, https://www.transparency.org/country and compare your two countries' Corruption Perception Index scores (see Question 1), with that of the USA. Why or why not is your country's score lower than that of the USA? Provide the following: A brief explanation of how the Corruption Perception Index is created, including what a high score and what a low score means. Country 1's score compared with the score of the USA, Country 2's score compared with the score of the USA. A brief explanation as to why your countries' scores are different than the USA's score. Compare and Contrast the perceived corruption levels in your countries with the Hofstede scores from the previous section.

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Business Law and Ethics: Compare the countries corruption perception index scores
Reference No:- TGS03000468

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