Three-Four (3-4) pages single-spaced, written in proper paper format with citations and bibliography (Use whichever style manual your major discipline requires-but please provide page numbers for citations).
Take one philosophical position on equality/justice from Naomi Wolfand discuss ethical issue of womeninequality in workplace. Fully explain the position and the argument justifying this position.
Compare the chosen philosophical position with philosopherJohn Stuart Mill. Use this philosopher to help develop and show a deeper understanding of the issue. What the philosopher helps you defend or criticize a particular practice?
You are expected to carefully detail the steps of the philosophers' arguments, develop your own position, and consider objections to your own view.
Please use the following rubric to help you organize and structure your paper:
Rubric/grade criteria:
1. State your topic, why it is a problem, and your position on it in a clear thesis statement. It should be clear to me where you stand/what your view is. You will be developing and defending this view.
2. Develop the philosophical position by outlining the main points of the two philosophers' views (one from unit 3, and one from either unit 1 or 2). Show what the philosophers' arguments are in a step-by-step manner
3. Develop your own position in response to the philosophers. You may agree or disagree. Outline the strongest reasons for your position.
4. Anticipate strong objections to your view. What would a reasonable person who disagrees say and why (what reasons)?
5. Further support your position. Show why, despite a strong objection, your view is still correct
6. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the readings, the authors' views, class discussion, and the many issues involved in these complex and often contentious topics. Show that you have considered multiple angles-somewhere, someone disagrees with you. How do you respond to them and defend your view?