
Compare subject matter content what subjects do the daily

• listen to KPFA for at least one hour, the local Pacifica News Service affiliate of the Bay Area: morning programs are broadcast hourly live between 07:00 and 12:00/noon PT are appropriate for this exercise;

• listen/watch daily morning news programs or articles of each source;

• compare subject matter content: what subjects do the daily programs cover? are these matters of high public importance? do both sources cover the same subjects?

• compare perspectives/points-of-view: does the news source present facts that reasonably describe/detail the issue or event? do the sources present differing views of people who are well-informed about the subject?

• are the sources reliably accurate?

• do the sources tend to imply or present a particular position on the issues/events? do they show any outright bias? explain your conclusion: biased or not biased, cite evidence from your viewing or listening exercise;

• political positioning: is the news coverage noticeably conservative/right-of-center, moderate/centrist or liberal/left-of-center in political perspective? what is the basis of your view on this factor?

Compare the KPFA and any types of news (NY times or others)

300 words maximum

Answer the questions above

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Dissertation: Compare subject matter content what subjects do the daily
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