
Compare shakespeare othello with conrads heart


Choose one of the following topics and compose a well-constructed a minimum of three pages and essay of as one page). Do not no more than five pages (the Works Cited page d not count summarize the story at any point; I want you to do analyses:

1) Compare Shakespeare's othello with Conrad's Heart Discuss at least two themes that are shared by both works. Be specific in your response, using quotes from the texts where appropriate to support your statements.

2) How might you capture othello's complexity in a single set of images? choose a scene (or scenes) which describe(s) othello, the character, in some way (in terms of power, religion, race, or some other image). Your essay should include quotes from the scene(s) you choose to support your opinion (s),

3) Is Heart of Darkness a racist work or does Conrad see Africans in some other way? Be specific, and use quotes from the text and the critical essays we have read and discussed

4) Heart of Darkness is filled with symbolism. Choose one scene Marlow describes in his telling of the tale, discuss the actions of the characters and comment on the way Conrad assigns meaning. Conrad's language, imagery, and narrative style are good starting places.

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