
Compare services using lovelocks dimensions

Problem 1) Read at least one article given below. Then give an example of a situation you experienced first-hand where the quality of the service you received (or delivered) was influenced by design and delivery system.

Articles :

Bitner, M.J., Ostrom, A.L. & Morgan, F.N... 2008. Service Blueprinting: A Practical Technique for Service Innovation. California Management Review50 (3). 66-95. . EBSCOhost. Business Source Complete Database.

Lovelock, C.H. Classifying Services to Gain Strategic Marketing Insights. Journal of Marketing 1983. 47 (3) 9-20. ProQuest. ABI/INFORM Trade and Industry Database.

Problem 2) This Case is about designing a new service.

(A) Think of any 2 services that appear to be quite different from each other. For example, you might write "gas station" and "medical service."

(B) Compare and contrast these services using any 3 of Lovelock's dimensions.

Do not define the dimensions or use quotes. Focus on applying the dimensions to those services.

(C) Now have some fun. Describe a new service design that borrows from 2 completely different services.

Example: Child care plus dog walking = doggie day care. It seems obvious now but it's a relatively new invention.

Example: Walk-in "doc in the box" medical service shares characteristics of traditional medical care and walk-in nail salons.

Create your own example (real or imaginary) and (most important) discuss the challenges of providing the new service, with reference to the background articles.

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Marketing Management: Compare services using lovelocks dimensions
Reference No:- TGS01612042

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