Compare modern hero with one in an ancient myth

Assignment task: Essay Writing

Choose a modern hero (for example a comic book hero) and compare that hero with one found in an ancient myth. You may choose heroes from any culture, but the myths must be written; they cannot be films. This topic requires two primary sources and at least five secondary sources. The thesis should be argumentative

No matter which topic you choose, you are required to have at least one primary source (myth) and a minimum of three secondary sources (literary criticism).

In your bibliography, you are expected to cite your primary source and no less than five secondary sources. A secondary source is considered valid if it is literary criticism. Some strong secondary sources that may be helpful for your essay include: -Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces (the full version, not the abbreviated version in your text) -

Any of Joseph Campbell's other works on mythology

 - Carl Jung's work Man and his Symbols

 - Carl Jung's work Four Arcetypes

- Otto Rank's work The Myth of the Birth of the Hero

- Articles found in the Seneca College library database

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