
Compare means to show similarities and to show differences

Compare the hero’s in Avatar (Jake Sully), The Matrix (Thomas Anderson AKA “Neo”) and They Live (John Nada).

 Definition: To compare means to show similarities and / or to show differences.

Assignment: Choose one of the following topics and analyze it for three films: Avatar (2009), The Matrix (1999) and They Live (1988). Your assignment is to show similarities and / or differences for the following topics for the three films. Your thesis must state the topic and whether it is similar, different or similar and different for the movies. Do one movie at a time. State your ideas about one film, and then show how the next is similar or different, and then how the last is similar and different to the two preceding ones

The questions below are not a list to be answered but a series of brainstorming questions to help you develop ideas for your essay. Choose whichever you want or none at all.

The essay should be three pages long: no more, no less.

You must start your introduction with a quote from the movie and end with your thesis.

Each paragraph must start with a topic sentence and stick to that topic in the development of the paragraph.

You must cite dialogue from the film in each paragraph. See below for websites on how to do that. You should introduce each quote with a reference to the scene and speaker. Your in-text citations and Works Cited must be accurate. See below for websites on how to do that. You should not use any other outside sources. See Sources below.

You must use MLA title page and heading.

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