
Compare leijonhufvd-gerrard take on interpreting keynes


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Would like you to compare Leijonhufvd and Gerrard's take on interpreting Keynes, they are of course taking their lead from Hicks also supplied for your reference.

1. Who do you find captures your reading so far of Keynes better?

2. What insight can you identify in both papers that makes you think the author does understand Keynes.

3. What do you find to be the greatest flaw in each author when it comes to interpreting Keynes?

Does anyone really know what Keynes is talking about, does anyone really care? Who's lyrics am I paraphrasing?


1. Keynes and the Keynesians: A Suggested Interpretation

By Axel Leijonhufvud

2. Keynes's General Theory: Interpreting the Interpretations

By Bill Gerrard

3. Mr. Keynes and the "Classics"; A Suggested Interpretation

By J. R. Hicks

4. The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money John Maynard Keynes

By John Maynard Keynes

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Econometrics: Compare leijonhufvd-gerrard take on interpreting keynes
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