
Compare kotters and lewins recommended change

Change: Leading and Managing

There is no doubt about it - Change is in the Air! As CEO, you are not pleased with last quarter's results, and you know that you must make a change quickly. You will prepare a PowerPoint presentation to deliver to your senior staff, directors, managers, and supervisors, and educate them on several successful change models. Finally, you will choose one (or more) of the four models, and defend the model(s) that you will use to implement the change process successfully. Be sure to review the required resources and perform a search using the NCU library or other sources of your choice (not Wikipedia).

Review the resources listed in the Books and Resources area below to prepare for this week's assignment(s).Articles

Reference Instruction

Kotter, J. P. (2007). Leading change.


Wilson, J. (2014). Managing change successfully.


Reference Instruction

Kotter's 8-Step Change Model - Implementing change powerfully and successfully.


Read Website Resource

Lewin's Change Management Model - Understanding the three stages of change.

https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newPPM_94.htmActivity Description

For this week's assignment, you will put on your CEO hat and describe a change that you want to implement in your company. In addition to this week's required resources, locate a minimum of two professional or scholarly resources to support your work.
In preparation for this assignment, review the Signature Assignment requirements. You may be able to implement the concepts that you create in this assignment for use as part of your final presentation.
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to address your senior staff, directors, managers, and supervisors. Include the following:

• Provide a brief overview of the change that you want implemented and the reason for the change. Is the organization losing revenue

or market share? Are customers or other stakeholders complaining? Are there inefficiencies in processes?

• Describe the key takeaways, according to Wilson, and then outline the roles that senior leaders, managers, and supervisors should play to ensure the takeaways are addressed.

• Compare Kotter's and Lewin's recommended change models.

• Identify two other change models and explain the processes.

• Choose one (or more) of the four models, and defend the model(s) that you will use to implement the change process successfully.



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Business Management: Compare kotters and lewins recommended change
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5/12/2016 3:31:04 AM

On the basis of the case situation named Change: Leading and Managing illustrated in the problem above. Please consider the whole information and prepare a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation to address your senior staff, managers, directors and supervisors. Comprise the following: 1) Give a short overview of the change which you want implemented and the reason for the change. Is organization losing revenue or market share? Are customers or other stakeholders complaining? Are there inadequacies in processes? 2) Illustrate the main takeaways; according to Wilson and then outline the roles which senior leaders, supervisors and managers must play to makes sure the takeaways are addressed. 3) Compare Kotter's and Lewin's proposed the change models. 4) Recognize two other change models and describe the processes. Select one (or more) of the four models, and defend the model(s) which you will make use of to apply the change process successfully.