
Compare hospital vs.community acquired pneumonia

Assignment Problem: A 70-year-old female presents with dyspnea and cough.  Medical history includes: COPD, DM II, Hypertension and dyslipidemia. The labs are as follows:

T:   102.3

HR:  102

O2: 84% on room air,  90% nasal cannula

Bicarb: 23

X -Ray:  Focal consolidation Left Lower Lobe


1. Compare and contrast hospital vs. community acquired pneumonia?

2. What is the ventilation perfusion matching required for good gas exchange?

3. Increasing FIO2 will improve hypoxia. Why?

4. How does Emphysema differ from Pneumonia?

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Biology: Compare hospital vs.community acquired pneumonia
Reference No:- TGS03226268

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