
Compare financial statement analysis to operating indicator


Compare financial statement analysis to operating indicator analysis. In a healthcare setting, is one more useful than the other?


Note that a calculated ratio value tells us little about a firm unless we compare it to something. That 'something' is usually analysis of ratios from the firm's past (trend analysis), or ratios from the firm's industry (comparative analysis). When would we prefer one comparison to the other?


Read the attached article. If you think about it, the Economic Value Added (EVA) is similar to another financial tool that we have already discussed. Any ideas on what that is?

How does inflation distort ratio analysis comparisons, both for one company over time and when different companies are compared?
Are only balance sheet accounts or both balance sheet accounts and income statement items affected by inflation?

Attachment:- EVA.rar

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Project Management: Compare financial statement analysis to operating indicator
Reference No:- TGS01699079

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