
Compare daily inpatient census and inpatients service day

Response to the following;

1. Convert the following to a percentage. Show your calculations for each answer.

a. 3/4

b. 15/25

c. 6:9

d. 60:95

2. Explain a fraction and provide an example of how one might use a fraction. Define the following terms and describe how understanding these terms will help you in analyzing data:

a. numerator

b. denominator

c. quotient

Your response should be at least 75 words in length.

3. What two categories are most commonly used for inpatient classifications? What two designations can they be assigned for their inpatient stay? Explain each of the categories and each of the designations. Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

4. Compare and contrast between daily inpatient census (DIPS) and inpatients Service Day (IPSD). Why are these monitoring tools important? Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

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Other Management: Compare daily inpatient census and inpatients service day
Reference No:- TGS02092604

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