
Compare country experience with political polarization


Q1. The United States has such high levels of political polarization that it arguably hinders its role as an example for other liberal democracies to follow. Do you agree with this sentiment? Examine and compare another country's experience with political polarization, and its effect on its democratic measures, society, and the ability to serve as an example for other democracies to follow.

Q2. Germany and Japan have unique defensive-minded mandates for their militaries following their actions in World War II. What role should the German and Japanese military have in the contemporary international realm? Is it time each pursued the ability to exercise their military-force akin to that of other sovereign, developed democracies? Does their history forfeit this right? Have they moved passed the need to operate an offensive military presence in the world?

Q3. France and the United States have been allies for a very long time. Despite the common economic ties and democratic ideals shared between both countries, there resides a great deal of negative sentiment towards one another. What are the sources for these perceptions? Is it likely that these feelings will have an impact on these countries continuing their alliance into the future?

Q4. Germany's electoral system is often touted as being one of the most effective models in incorporating proportional representation. Do you agree with this statement? Explore Germany's system in relation to another country of your choice, and make a claim as to whether or not you feel that a Germany-style system is perhaps one of the best models to export to other countries looking to establish PR measures.

Q5. Japan's mercantilist economy provided an economic boom for many years. However it also resulted in recent levels of stagnation thatJapan has yet to emerge out of. Compare Japan's economic approach to that of France, and whether there is merit to having such levels of government intervention in a capitalist economy in the contemporary era, or if this design is a hindrance to one or both of these countries.

Q6. Russia's recent actions in Ukraine, the military response in Georgia, and the annexation of Crimea suggest that Russia is striving to reassert control over former areas of its influence, or is perhaps just taking measures to protect its sovereignty (depending on your prerogative). What do you make of this behaviour by Russia? Compare this case with a relevant one from the contemporary era or recent history, and explore the rationale and legitimacy in this behaviour.

Q7. The United Kingdom has an interesting relationship with many of its former colonies; some retain a positive and strong connection to the UK to this day. Explore the UK's colonial experience in relation to another colonial power, and touch on what factors stand out with both cases (namely how the UK has managed to maintain not only this sort of relationship with many of its former colonies, but how it has also retained influence). Use one specific colony for each in your study; more than one can technically be used but it might diffuse your focus too much.

Q8. The United States' role as the single global-superpower is arguably diminishing. Other countries like China, Russia, and India, as well as the EU are challenging the position of the United States in the international arena. Do you agree with this sentiment? Explore this phenomenon and provide an assessment for the United States, while also analyzing it alongside one of the aforementioned actors and its prospects for becoming a greater superpower.


Your essay will be assessed on the quality, depth, and use of your research; your ability to present a well-reasoned and empirically valid argument; and the coherence of your writing. A poorly written paper with multiple mistakes will not make an intelligent and persuasive argument. Thus spelling and grammar are essential elements to your overall grade for this assignment.

Consider the following with your essay:

1. How thoroughly did you engage the issue? Were you able to avoid major criticisms to your work that undermined your argument? Did you do enough research on this issue to not only construct a meaningful discussion, but also to adequately demonstrate to your reader your knowledge on this topic?

2. How well did you articulate your position? Did you carry your thesis effectively and clearly throughout the entirety of your paper?

3. Were you precise with your wording and word-choice; did you avoid using too many words to get a point across? Did all of your statements serve a purpose? Did any phrases or statements not only fail to serve a key purpose, but where they possibly detracting to your argument and/or its flow?

4. Is it cleanly written and proof-read? Is it free of spelling mistakes, awkward sentences, and claims that are not relevant?

6. Note academic regulations on plagiarism and cheating; it is your job to reference all of your work accurately and effectively. Are any claims that are not general knowledge requiring a source to substantiate them?

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Other Subject: Compare country experience with political polarization
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