
Compare civil rights movement and the black power movement

Question 1: Please come up with two questions that you had related to the topics at hand.  This can be anything that was confusing for you, any connections you made with what you read and the present-day or the past, any big themes that emerged, etc

Review chapter: Read Cold War

Question 2:

i. What is the difference between the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Power Movement?

ii.  Overall, would you argue that the Black Power Movement was or was not successful in achieving its goals?

Question 3: Your assignment for this week is the view the YouTube video below. Based on what you learn from the video, discuss two aspects of being a school social worker from the book that either support or challenge the video's content. 

Question 4: Your assignment for this week is the view the YouTube videos below., discuss two aspects of being a geriatric social worker from the book that either support or challenge the videos' content.

Everyday Hero: Elderly Care Social Worker

What are Some Common Issues that a Geriatric Clinical Social Worker Helps their Clients With?

Question 5: What is your opinion of Performance art? Do you consider it a valid art form? Why or why not? How are the Performance art works of the 20th-century connected to YouTube, Tik Tok, and Instagram performers today?. Make sure you explain your choice and why you chose it. Support your discussion with fully identified visual evidence (images).  Make sure that the images are inserted in your response. Images should be visible in the post and not need to be downloaded

Question 6: Your assignment for this week is the view the YouTube video below. Based on what you learn from the video, discuss two aspects of being a school social worker from the book that either support or challenge the video's content.

Day In the Life of a School Social Worker | NEW Social Work Role, Home Visits and Time Management

Question 7: How were Early Medieval manuscripts influenced by Greco-Roman illusionism? You may choose works of sculpture, painting, or architecture, but you must make sure you explain your choices. Support your discussion with fully identified visual evidence (images), Make sure that the images are inserted in your response. Images should be visible in the post and not need to be downloaded!

Question 8:

Topic A: Would you kill the large person?

Looking back at the original trolley problem, throwing one switch to divert a train so it would only kill one person rather than five, discuss whether you think you would throw the switch. Then consider the twist where you could push a rather large person (gender should make no difference) from a bridge to save the lives of five others. What is the difference, if any, between the two scenarios? What do you think your answer says about your moral compass?

Question 9:

Make a brief argument that social media companies should use private data to protect users from haters and agents working to disseminate misinformation even if it violates their right to free speech.

Question 10:

Go to the "Humans of New York" website, Instagram page, or Facebook page and browse several narratives of people featured. Explore one social problem individuals have discussed as part of their narratives and discuss the following question:

Apply one of the major Sociological Theories outlined in this week's lesson (Structural functionalism, Social Conflict, or Symbolic Interaction) to help understand the social problem discussed in the Humans of New York narrative you chose

Question 11: Describe the topic for your Final Project and explain why you selected this topic (Cass is Senior Seminar in Sociology) . Include at least three research questions. Ask yourself, what are you trying to discover or uncover? The topic should be one that is of interest to you and related to your future career, concentration within the major, or educational interests.  (For example, you can explore the impact of food insecurity on children or healthcare concerns for Veterans)

  • Identify one peer-reviewed journal article focused on your topic (no more than 3 years old).
  • What were the author(s) findings? Do you agree or disagree? If so, why? If not, why?
  • When responding to your peers, comment to his or her research questions, in addition to the topic. You want to also include at least two open-ended questions about the journal article at the end of the response.

Question 12:

Topic: Introduction to Wireless


Thanks to the advancements in wireless technologies many wireless devices have now  become part of our daily life. Discuss some of the inherent characteristics of wireless communications systems which make it attractive for users.

You Will:

i. List at least three inherent characteristics

ii. Explain why these are important to wireless users

Question 13: View the following videos, making note of the statistics that are shared:

  • America's Restaurants: Serving Our Nation
  • America's Restaurants: Industry of Opportunity
  • Search Youtube for videos related to annual forecasts and trends in food service [name video and provide a link in discussion]

Example: National Restaurant Association's 2016 Restaurant Industry Forecast

The videos will provide statistics related to the growth of the food service industry and its influence. The videos also convey that we are much more than just chefs, service staff, and operations managers. The statistics are indicative of the trends affected by the economy and growing the industry to meet the needs of the hungry public. As you watch the videos, consider how the restaurant and food service industry has changed over the last decade, how it evolved before that, and what the outlook is for the next 10 years.  Consider if or how organizations and operations adapt to changing environments and still meet demand.

Discussion Instructions:

i. Identify and provide a link for any video not already linked in the instructions

ii. Identify and reflect on at least two elements that you either learned or affirmed within the videos.

iii. Determine and discuss if your view of our industry changed after watching the videos.

iv. Using information from your readings or other sources, isolate a specific challenge and discuss how it has impacted the food service industry over the last few years.

Question 14:

i) What are the steps to investigating a burglary?

ii) Find the burglary statute for your home state and summarize it.

Question 15: Will support gradual emancipation position

To participate in the debate, you need to research both positions.

Please remember this debate take place during the 1850s.  Before the Civil War, before Emancipation Proclamation and after Jefferson has been dead for more than 35 years.

Who will you be in the debate?

Your character does not have to be an actual historical figure. You can be, for example, journalist, politician, teacher, a domestic servant or a sharecropper. Just make sure that you ground your analysis in academic sources and you demonstrate you have done all the required work by integrating it into your debate positions.

Stay in character for your responses means if you say you are a certain name than each response should have this person's name or that of the person you are corresponding with in each response is part of the debating.

Also no modern day history facts should be used...in this debate Lincoln is still alive...meaning discussing the Emancipation Proclamation is not appropriate but the rumor of it can be discussed...remember the Emancipation Proclamation was a gradual emancipation document because it only freed slaves in the Confederate states but allowed Union states to still continue slavery.

Question 16: Using the data set you collected in Week 1, excluding the super car outlier, you should have calculated the mean and standard deviation during Week 2 for price data.  Along with finding a p and q from Week 3.  Using this information, calculate two 95% confidence intervals.  For the first interval you need to calculate a T-confidence interval for the sample population.  You have the mean, standard deviation and the sample size, all you have left to find is the T-critical value and you can calculate the interval.  For the second interval calculate a proportion confidence interval using the proportion of the number of cars that fall below the average.  You have the p, q, and n, all that is left is calculating a Z-critical value,

Make sure you include these values in your post, so your fellow classmates can use them to calculate their own confidence intervals.  Once you calculate the confidence intervals you will need to interpret your interval and explain what this means in words.  

Do the confidence intervals surprise you, knowing what you have learned about confidence intervals, proportions and normal distribution?  Please the Week 5 Confidence T-Interval Mean and Unknown SD PDF and the Week 5 Confidence Interval Proportions PDF at the bottom of the discussion.  This will give you a step by step example on how to help you calculate this using Excel. These PDFs will also help you in Quizzes section.

Once you have posted your initial discussion, you must reply to at least two other learner's post. Each post must be a different topic. So, you will have your initial post from one topic, your first follow-up post from a different topic, and your second follow-up post from one of the other topics. Of course, you are more than welcome to respond to more than two learners."

Question 17: Discuss/debate with your classmates your position pertaining to biological and psychological perspectives of explaining sexual deviance. Also, examine at least one theory from the assigned reading that explains sexual deviance.

Question 18:

i. Discuss at least three (3) important considerations when determining patrol distribution.

ii. Compare patrol allocation and distribution differences in a major urban city and a small rural community.  What is similar, what is different, and why? 

Question 19:

Using statistics in the healthcare industry requires a foundational understanding of statistics and their applications.

 Imagine that you are a new data analyst for a hospital. You have replaced an analyst who did not organize their office or resources, nor did they leave any written notes or procedures. However, your manager has asked you to provide a summary of how statistics may be used throughout the hospital and how the information can be organized.

Explain how you would summarize the use of statistics and discuss the relevance of statistics in healthcare. Additionally, provide an example of how statistics may be applied both in healthcare and in a common daily activity.

Question 20: Search the Internet for the strategic plans for two different healthcare organizations.

i. List what is common between the plans and what is different.

ii. Discuss the role of strategic planning in healthcare organizations.

iii. How is healthcare different from other businesses?

Question 21: In a lot of my classes we discuss America as a WASP society. This means White Anglo-Saxon Protestant is the dominant culture. Do you think that protestant Christianity is still the dominant religion in America? Are we still a Christian nation?

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