1. Complete a cardiovascular disease risk assessment. You can find one at the Mayo Clinic website There are other risk assessments available online, but most require knowing your blood pressure and/or cholesterol numbers. Are there any risk factors that you can reduce/eliminate?
2. Low fat options. Compare regular and reduced-fat or non-fat versions of 2 food products. Compare calories, ingredients, and taste (if possible). Please include ingredients and nutrition facts labels.
3.Do you eat foods with hydrogenated fats/oils? If so, list a couple (2). Have you tried the same type of food without hydrogenated fats/oils? Compare foods made with and without hydrogenated fats/oils. Compare calories, fat, and saturated fat. What about the taste, consistency, and shelf life? Please include ingredients and nutrition facts labels.
4. *OPTIONAL* - obtain a personal blood cholesterol profile (or take a look at recent profile). Compare your results with what is desirable. If your results are out of the recommended ranges, what changes can you make to improve your profile?