Question: Compare between Syrian Refugees in U.K VS Syrian Refugees in Germany
You should include in the essay
1. Definition of Syrian Refugees
2. History of the refugees in terms of UK and GERMANY
3. The reason of refugees in UK AND GERMANY
4. Facts of refugees
5. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
6. What helps has been offered to the refugees in UK And GERMANY
7. Media
8. Attitude of the two countries (UK AND GERMANY) for the Syrian Refugees
9. Risk of children's after the asylum to UK and Germany
10. What education they are having in UK AND GERMANY
11. Number of refugees in U.K AND GERMANY
12. Private engagement that include the comparison between uk and Germany in terms of helping Syrian refugees
Also, you should include:
The refugee's crisis including
1. Overview
2. Funding
3. Refugee resettlement
UK AND GERMANY policy for resettlement for Syrian Refugees
1. Unit late January 2014
2. September 2015
3. 2016 additional resettlement are announced
4. Background to establishing schemes