
Compare and contrast two speeches set at least 40 years

Analyzing Modern and Historic Speeches 20%

To do: Log on to TEDTalks, YouTube or AmericanRhetoric.com to explore famous speeches made by prominent figures. 

Compare and contrast two speeches, set at least 40 years apart in history. Discuss what makes each speech successful, and also consider their less successful points.

SPEECHES THAT HAVE BEEN COVERED IN CLASS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE: (NB, "I Have a Dream by MLK is not eligible). The speeches you choose should have a common thread of some sort, either due to the topic the theme or the speakers. 

Submit an analysis of 1000 words, which compares the two speeches in an integrated way (example, do not analyze one in its entirety, and then the other in the next paragraph-instead, draw parallels between the two).

To demonstrate mastery of the concepts discussed in the course be sure to reflect on the following points:

  • Opening
  • The influence of age, culture, gender, roles and values in the context of these speeches.
  • Content
  • Structure
  • Language used
  • Rhetorical devices
  • Contrast/Balance
  • Appeal to emotion vs logic
  • Connection to the audience
  • Motivation theory
  • Body Language
  • Use of a Persona
  • Organization of the speech
  • Memorable highlights
  • Conclusion

Some examples can be found here: https://www.americanrhetoric.com/top100speechesall.html

*Although some of the American presidents are popular, I'd like to see students analyze some less-famous, but still well executed, speeches.

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Dissertation: Compare and contrast two speeches set at least 40 years
Reference No:- TGS02680475

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