Compare and contrast three black musicians from different

Compare and contrast three black musicians from different time periods in which you contextualize, through the details of their music, the important changes that occur over time regarding American socio-political/economic/cultural forces.

Use specifics, details and examples to prove the points.

I prefer 2pac,50cent and Drake.

I got an outline in the attachment ,follow it.

American Multicultural Ideas and Values

ASSIGNMENT: Research paper/project

Objective:  Write a research paper (or, do a creative project) as the culminating assignment. Demonstrate the importance and relevance of black music in American culture, through a discussion of examples, specifics and themes.

There are three submission for the assignment:
Step 1: Nov 2nd - Topic/thesis in class, hardcopy
Step 2: Nov 23rd - Topic/thesis/detailed outline/annotated bibliography, in BBLearn, digital copy
Step 3: FINALS WEEK, Final Paper or Project, both in class, hardcopy and in BBlearn, digital copy

REQUIRED: The remaining points will be assigned to an additional page of text to be included at the end of your final paper, in which you will write a self-reflective/self-assessment essay about your experience.

This short essay should be both reflective of your experience in the course and evaluative regarding how ‘well' you thought you did with the material. Lastly, discuss what you found most important to take away from this course: i.e., what skills or information do you believe will be helpful in future classes? This essay should be informal, and from your personal perspective.

Minimum Length:
• Final papers must be between 2000 words minimum (approx. 8 pages, double spaced)

  • Cover pages (not required), images (not required), and works cited page (required) DO NOT COUNT AS text.
  • Short papers will result in a loss of points: for each approximate page you are short, you lose a letter grade.

• Papers must be MLA format, one-inch margins, and 12 pt. Times or Times New Roman font.

  • Any deviation from this format will result in a loss of points that equal two letter grades.

Other Details:

• This is a formal academic paper, therefore you should not use first person, and avoid referring to "this paper" as in, "This paper will demonstrate..." Instead, you can just state your claims directly.

• Papers must have a unifying thesis. Usually this should be stated near the end of the first paragraph or introductory section. It is best if you have a thesis with an argumentative edge-a point to be established by your analysis. Be sure to include a strong, clear, one-sentence thesis statement. The paper must have a structure of coherent ideas that goes somewhere...that is, it proves your thesis. When writing about the arts, usually it is best not to strictly follow an order as if recounting the plot in a story. You should, rather, create an order of ideas about the works/topics and discuss details to support each idea.

• Papers must directly reference and engage with at least four secondary sources (in addition to any class books) from academic books, essays and/or journals. Internet sources are not allowed. All ideas taken from your sources should be footnoted/cited in your final paper, and included in a bibliography.

  • Papers without the required sources will be rejected; student will receive a zero for the assignment.

Artworks are often seen as a response to the culture and events of particular time periods. All artworks (paintings, literature, music, etc.) both affect and are affected by history, and by the culture/period that produced them. In other words, within any cultural period there are ‘central ideas' that give that period a sensibility al its own.

Paper Topics/Themes are intentionally broad so that you are free to relate them to specific area of research that interests you. If you have some inspired idea that is not alluded to below, please contact me to discuss a topic based on your interests.

Pick one particular period to focus on (Antebellum America or Midcentury America or the 19th Century, for example) or you can cover the entirety of the larger time span that the class addresses. Your topic/theme will probably dictate this choice. However, if you choose the larger span of time please be sure your paper stays focused on your argument, or main point, throughout. Don't get lost in the centuries.
Some possibilities:

• Compare and contrast three black musicians from roughly the same time-period but from different backgrounds (race, class, ethnicity, wealth, etc), in which you historically contextualize the American socio-political/economic/cultural forces that their music reflects or comments on. You must use specifics, details and examples to prove your points.

• Compare and contrast three black musicians from different time periods in which you contextualize, through the details of their music, the important changes that occur over time regarding American socio-political/economic/cultural forces. You must use specifics, details and examples to prove your points.

• Compare and contrast artistic/literary representations of black musicians in which you historically contextualize the socio-political/economic/cultural forces that the representations reflect or reject. You must use specifics, details and examples to prove your points.

• Discuss one of the following topics in a close examination for the ways that music is connected to the topic through being either socially/culturally representational of the topic or as an actual force from change within the area the topic addresses. You must use specifics, details and examples to prove your points. Choose from the following list, or suggest another topic not found here:

health, domesticity, labor and work, theater and other performance arts, ‘high' art vs. ‘low' art, religion, education, language and colloquialism, marriage, war, laws and crime, government policy, sexual mores, immigration, abolition, fashion, advertising, consumerism, nature, technology, nation, city vs. country living....


1. Tupac
A. Early life.(background information)
B. Songs and lyrics analysis .(political rap/hard core gangsta rap)
C. The early concept of Black Lives Matter.
D. Death and social influence.

2. 50cent
A. Early life.(background information)
B. Street life.(connect to the movie "get rich or die trying" )
C. 2000s, The golden age of Hip-hop,everybody who takes part in the Hip-hop industry is getting rich and enjoy the translation from Gangsta/old school rap to money-making rap.(lyrics analysis)

3. Drake
A. Early life.(background information)
B. Non-ghetto/fake gangsta background and youngster rap.
C. Pop rap and current Black Lives Matter.
D. "Women issue" and the changes the of the theme of the rap music.

Length : 2000 words.

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Essay Writing: Compare and contrast three black musicians from different
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