
Compare and contrast the results of the anova and ancova

The first interpretive problem in Chapter 1 requested the following: "Using the survey 1 dataset from the website, use SPSS to conduct a one-factor fixed-effects ANOVA, including effect size, where political view is the grouping variable (i.e., independent variable) (J = 5) and the dependent variable is a variable of interest to you [the following variables look interesting: books, TV, exercise, drinks, GPA, GRE Quantitative (GRE-Q), CDs, hair appointment]." Using these same data, select an appropriate covariate and then generate a one-factor ANCOVA (including testing the assumptions of both the ANOVA and ANCOVA). Compare and contrast the results of the ANOVA and ANCOVA. Which method would you select and why?

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Physics: Compare and contrast the results of the anova and ancova
Reference No:- TGS02224382

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