Compare and contrast the potential root causes of terrorism

Foundations of Terrorism" Please respond to the following:

• Choose a strategy for dealing with a particular facet of terrorism and argue why it is an appropriate strategy. Support your argument.

• Predict future trends in homeland security and terrorist activity based on the current threat landscape and what you have learned. Support your answer.

"Terrorist Causes and State Sponsors" Please respond to the following:

• Compare and contrast the potential root causes of terrorism. Make a case for what you perceive to be the most significant source of terrorism in the past, present, and future.

• Assume the role of a leader in a major terrorist organization and explain how one of the four State Sponsors of Terrorism identified by the United States could be used to your advantage.

Executive Orders" Please respond to the following:

• Create an elevator response ( a 30-second speech) illustrating either your support or non-support of President George W. Bush's executive order #13440, Interpretation of the Geneva Conventions Common Article 3, as Applied to a Program of Detention and Interrogation Operated by the Central Intelligence Agency. Justify your response.

• Argue the effectiveness of President Bill Clinton's Executive Order #12938, Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction, on counterterrorism and anti-terrorism.

"USA PATRIOT Act" Please respond to the following:

• Pretend you have the ability to modify the USA PATRIOT Act in any way you want. Describe the change(s) you would make. Support your changes with sound reasoning.

• From the e-Activity, summarize the law created by the state you chose to research and suggest one modification to or overall criticism of the law. Support your suggestion with sound reasoning.

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Reference No:- TGS01081385

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