
Compare and contrast the medieval roman catholic church and

Compare and contrast the height of Egyptian civilization during the Pyramid Age (2682-2181 BC) with the defining Vedic-Aryan civilization along the Indus River (c.1500 BC). Each of these left defining legacies for their respective regions.

In considering the similarities and differences of these ancient civilizations, topics for evaluation and analysis could include worldviews and religious teachings, legacies, and influence on the development of Western Civilization.


To give students the opportunity to conduct scholarly research on a topic and prepare a comparison/contrast essay analyzing specific historical events or periods.


This assignment combines 3 aspects: choosing a topic, researching and writing a bibliography, and writing a comparison/contrast essay. There are separate instructions for the Historical Bibliography Exercise that makes up the second aspect of this assignment.

Write a 3-5-page research paper analyzing 1 of the topics below. The paper must include a strong analysis and must be formatted in Notes-Bibliography style, according to current Turabian guidelines. Refer to the History Department Turabian Quick Guide for details.

You may not use your textbook as a source for this assignment.

Please note that your instructor may choose to provide an additional topic option through the course announcements during Module/Week 2.

Topic Choices:

1. Compare and contrast the height of Egyptian civilization during the Pyramid Age (2682-2181 BC) with the defining Vedic-Aryan civilization along the Indus River (c.1500 BC). Each of these left defining legacies for their respective regions. In considering the similarities and differences of these ancient civilizations,topics for evaluation and analysis could include worldviews and religious teachings, legacies, and influence on the development of Western Civilization.

2. Compare and contrast the medieval Roman Catholic Churchand the Eastern Orthodox Church. Because the Eastern Orthodox Church was created in 1054, the historical context for the paper must be the 11th-16th centuries. You may include details from earlier in medieval history (not before 476), as the Eastern Orthodox Church was strongly connected to the Byzantine Empire and influenced the East. In considering the similarities and differences, topics for evaluation and analysis could include theological differences, differing emphasis placed on doctrine and liturgy, or influence/legacy for the churches' respective regions. Justo Gonzalez's The Story of Christianity, Vol. I is a great resource for this topic.

3. Compare the Protestant teaching of Luther regarding women to the medieval Catholic view of women. Maintain a historical context of the 15th-16th centuries. In considering the similarities and differences, topics for evaluation and analysis could include biblical support/analysis for each view, legacy and influence for the development of Western Civilization, influence of these teachings on society and gender roles, and freedoms and lack of freedoms provided by each view. The writings of Luther and Justo Gonzalez's The Story of Christianity, Vols. 1 and 2 would be excellent places to start research.

4. Consider the rise of the nation-state for France and England during the Late Middle Ages, in contrast to the political development of Germany and Italy in the same period. Choose 1 nation from each group (France and England vs. Germany and Italy) and compare/contrast the political development, considering the implications for why one was able to attain strong, centralized status while the other remained decentralized. Topics for evaluation and analysis could include significance, legacy for the development of the respective countries and Western Civilization, consideration for legacies from each respective region, etc.


5. Compare and contrast early Spanish exploration from 1492-1548 with early English exploration from 1584-1648. In considering similarities and differences, topics for analysis and evaluation could include driving motivations for Spain and England, methods and motivations of individuals, benefits for Spain and England, and legacy for Protestantism and Catholicism in both Europe and the New World. Please keep in mind that this is a European, not American, topic, so the focus needs to remain on Europe.

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History: Compare and contrast the medieval roman catholic church and
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