Complete the following for this assignment:
Compare and contrast the management information systems (MIS) in place in 2 distinctly different organizations.
Compare each organization's use of information systems to help manage internal operations and to make decisions.
Assess how these two organizations use information technology for competitive advantage.
Appraise the individual and organizational consequences of the use of information technology, and recognize potential security breaches and computer crimes.
Please submit your assignment.
Submitting your assignment in APA format means, at a minimum, you will need the following:
Title page: Remember the running head. The title should be in all capitals.
Abstract: A summary of your paper, not an introduction. Begin writing in third-person voice.
Body: The body of your paper begins on the page following the title page and abstract page and must be double-spaced (be careful not to triple- or quadruple-space between paragraphs). The type face should be 12-pt. Times Roman or 12-pt. Courier in regular black type.
Do not use color, bold type, or italics except as required for APA-level headings and references. The deliverable length of the body of your paper for this assignment is 5-6 pages. In-body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are required. A variety of academic sources is encouraged.