
Compare and contrast the key differences between sale of

Subject: Legal and Ethic Issues in the Global Market Place

1. Compare and contrast the key differences between sale of goods across borders, licensing of production abroad and foreign direct investment. (200 words)

2. Have you been cynical about business and its leaders? Why or why not? How does cynicism affect you, as a business student or as a manager? (200 word)

3. Put yourself in the shoes of an international lawyer. Create a PowerPoint presentation that explains the general principles an international lawyer should apply in order to provide effective legal counsel to his or her client. Minimum of 10 slides. PDF format.

4. Compare and contrast the four legal traditions and how they affect actual national legal systems (needs title, 550 words, references [no wikipedia], microsoft word)

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Business Management: Compare and contrast the key differences between sale of
Reference No:- TGS02869314

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