
Compare and contrast the following four movies wall street

Compare and contrast the following four movies: Wall Street, Do the Right Thing, Primary Colors, and Thank You for Smoking. Discuss the political content of these films. What is the political message of each movie? How does the film reflect the social and political reality of the era? What was the political impact of these movies at the time of their release? Please add your interpretation of how politics was reflected and resolved in the film. DO NOT provide a plot summation of the movies. Analyze the political content and intent contained in these films.

You are expected to use the textbook to answer these questions, along with your own analysis of these films from your personal observations. You must cite the textbook within the body of your paper and include page numbers. (All films except Thank You for Smoking are mentioned in the textbook).

1. You are required to submit your writing assignment to the www.turnitin.com website. Make sure you are registered as a student in this class.The course ID is 10920576 and the password is film. The electronic submission must be completed and submitted to the website by 9:00 p.m. on Monday, May 2nd. NO EXCEPTIONS.Any paper handed in late to www.turnitin.com will automatically lose 50% of the grade. Any paper handed in more than 24 hours late withoutan approved documented excuse will be a zero.

2. No hard copy needed.

3. The answer to the essay question is 3-5 pages maximum. The essay must be typed, saved as a Word document (for turnitin.com purposes), 12 point type, Times New Roman font, and double-spaced.

4. Cite all textbook material with page numbers and websites or any other outside information you use for the paper!!!

5. Use direct quotes sparingly. All parts of the analysis, including textbook information should be put in your words.

6. Grammar, spelling, and awkward sentences will all cause point deductions. So, EDIT! Read your paper out loud. Often the mistakes are found this way and can then be corrected.

7. This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade.

8. You will be able to view your grade and comments on turnitin.com. You can view general comments by clicking on the text quote symbol on the bottom right-hand side of the screen next to the box labeled QM.

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Dissertation: Compare and contrast the following four movies wall street
Reference No:- TGS01388221

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